- Association to Benefit Children
- Behind the Book
- Birch Family Services
- City University of New York Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology
- Early Childhood Center/Einstein College of Medicine/Therapeutic Visitation Program
- Fund for Social Change – OMRDD/FAR Fund Collaborative
- Hunter College/ City of New York/Autism Center
- Hunter College/City of New York/Department of Special Education
- Hunter College/City of New York/Project HAPPY
- Job Path/Urban Innovations
- Job Path/Life Coaching
- Job Path – OMRDD/FAR Fund Leadership Alliance Technical Assistance
- Kaplen Jewish Community Center on the Palisades Therapeutic Nursery Program
- New Orleans-Birmingham Psychoanalytic Center
- New York University ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) Nest Support Project
- Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities (OMRDD)/FAR Fund Collaboration
- One on One Foundation
- Purchase College/State University of New York
- The Shield Institute
- The Fostering Connection
- Yale University/Minding the Baby
- Youth Consultation Service Institute for Infant and Preschool Mental Health