9/11 Museum

14th St Y Special Needs Programming


Adaptive Sports Foundation/Ski and Snowboard Program

Adelphi University Institute of Parenting


Atlantic Theater Company/Kids Relaxed Performances

Autism Goes to College Film

BAM Arts Education Program

Behind the Book/Special Needs Program

Blue Path Service Dogs/Kids and Canines Learning Together

Bluelaces Theater

Brooklyn Children’s Museum

Chances for Children

CO/LAB Theater Group/Camp BlueLAB

CUNY Project Reach

Daniels Music Foundation

Docs for Tots/Help Me Grow-Long Island Program

Dream Street Theatre Company

EPIC Players 

The Extended Family

Extreme Kids & Crew


HeartShare Human Services of New York/Ability & Inclusion 360 Project

Inclusion Festival

Intrepid Museum Access Programs

The Jewish Museum

Job Path/Project Next Step

Kaiser’s Room

Kennedy Child Study Center/Saturday Play Program

Lincoln Center Big Umbrella Festival

Montefiore Medical Center/Albert Einstein College of Medicine Connecting and Reflecting Experience (CARE) Program

Mount Vernon Museum

Museum Access Consortium

New York Hall of Science/Autism Access Project

NYC Children’s Theater

New York City Kids Project

New York State Association for Infant Mental Health

New York Transit Museum Access Programs


New York Writers Coalition/Writers with Disabilities Program

Profectum Foundation

Project HAPPY

Promise Project

Quality Services for the Autism Community/Spectrum Market

Ramapo for Children/Staff Assistance Experience

Round Star Foundation/Special Needs Program

Rutgers Graduate School of Psychology/Cultivating Compassion ADHD Project

Shames JCC on the Hudson/Special Needs Programming

SNACK & Friends (Special Needs Activity Center for Kids)

The Springboard School Therapeutic Nursery Program

The Stuttering Association for the Young

Teach for America NY Special Education Reform

Tech Kids Unlimited

The Fostering Connection

Theater Breaking Through Barriers

Theatre Development Fund/Autism Theatre Initiative

University of Massachusetts Sibling Support Project 

University of Pennsylvania/Community Mental Health Model of Care for Adults with ASD and Co-Occurring Psychiatric Disorders

University of Pennsylvania/Suicide Prevention in Adolescents and Adults with ASD

Vanderbilt University/The influence of social, educational, and work experiences on depressive symptoms for youth with ASD

Westchester Institute for Human Development/Improving Clinical Characterization of Restricted & Repetitive Behaviors in Young Children with ASD

Wild Bird Fund

Yale University/Minding the Baby

Yes She Can

Yeshiva University Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology Regulation-Focused Psychotherapy for Children